psychic readings

Psychic Reading | 30 minutes $100

All sessions take place via Zoom. Times are AEDT

Michelle will connect with your soul, guiding you on your journey of self-discovery to reveal the path to your true potential. During your reading, she may offer insights into your past, present, and future, helping you explore various possibilities. This psychic experience aims to leave you inspired and empowered, providing greater awareness and valuable insights to help you move forward with wisdom and clarity.

Please come prepared with any questions you’d like to discuss.

Free Will: Remember, you have free will and can change your direction at any moment. All insights are intended to empower you to make positive choices for your highest good, enabling you to create the life you desire. Ultimately, you are the architect of your own journey.


PELLOWAH healing

Distance Pellowah Healing | 60 minutes $90 

All session take place via Zoom. Times are AEDT

About the Pellowah Session

We will connect via Zoom for 5-10minutes to discuss your session. You will then be directed to lay quietly without distractions for the next hour while your healing takes place. After the hour you can move about as you wish and move on with your day.

About Pellowah Healing

Pellowah healing is a simple, powerful and effective way to bring positive change into your life. You will make better choices, look at everything with a new perspective, your attitude towards life and situations will change thus creating a positive shift. Pellowah is great for working on emotional blockages in your life. Pellowah is a “non contact / hands off” healing modality.

About Pellowah

Pellowah is an Angelic word for ‘radical shift in consciousness’. This form of healing connect all 12 strands of DNA ready for activation. It also unblocks and realigns all meridians within the body giving a feeling of connection and well-being. As the name suggest it also results in a radical shift in consciousness. Pellowah can be used in absent healing and can also be used to heal pets and plants.

In many powerful forms of healing subsequent results of change and growth can be cathartic as old frameworks are broken down to create new ones. This is not the case with Pellowah. The growth and change brought about by Pellowah helps a person to build on their old frameworks without the trauma. Through this form of healing the client becomes less involved in other people’s lives. They have a new perspective, therefore making better choices. Pellowah expands their consciousness helping them to become more objective.

Many other forms of healing produce positive feelings that generally last 2 days to a week. Pellowah provides a feeling of well-being that seems to last, and in fact gets stronger as time goes by.

Results / Benefits

  • Pellowah assists with personal and spiritual expansion

  • Expands consciousness – giving you a new perspective and attitude towards life and situations

  • Lasting change – Enables you to establish positive lasting change in your life

  • Aligns meridians – creating a feeling of connection and well-being

  • New perspective – making better choices; assists with moving your life forward from a more objective viewpoint

  • Inner strength – most people feel stronger within themselves; assists with making better choices

  • Personally and Spiritually – generally having a new lightness and a feeling of well-being

How a Pellowah Healing is conducted

  • Pellowah is a safe, natural method of  healing conducted with you relaxing on a massage table fully clothed for  approximately one hour.

  • The practitioner moves her hands above your body channeling Pellowah Energy.

  • Pellowah energy works on all levels going to where it is needed.

  • On completion of the Pellowah Healing the practitioner will indicate this by tapping you on the shoulder.

  • You may rest on the table for as long as you feel you need too.

  • You may like to share what you’ve experienced during your healing. Your practitioner will listen without making comment.

  • A Pellowah experience is a pure experience bringing you any insights or realisations without any input from the practitioner.

After a Pellowah Healing

To obtain full benefits we recommend the following

  • Do not have any alcohol or illicit drugs for 24 hours after the healing, as this may interfere with the Pellowah healing and you may not receive the full benefits.

  • Drinking a lot of water after the Pellowah treatment will enhance the changes going on within your body.


Distance Reiki Healing | 60 minutes $90

All sessions take place via Zoom. Times are AEDT

About the Reiki Session

We will connect via Zoom for 5-10minutes to discuss your session. You will then be directed to lay quietly without distractions for the next hour while your healing takes place. After the hour you can move about as you wish and move on with your day.

What is Reiki?

Reiki  is a hands on healing technique that works on the energy centres, bringing body & mind into balance. Reiki healing system is deeply rooted in Eastern traditions, from Buddhism to the martial arts. The Reiki practitioner draws energy from the universe and transmits it through the palms of hands to the client helping them bring balance and wellbeing to their body and energetic system.

Reiki encourages self-healing, strengthens body & soul, clears blockages, balances the chakras restoring your well-being. Its aim is to increase energy levels & promote relaxation & well-being. Emotions, beliefs and a lack of energy can lead to fatigue, illness or disease in the body.

Reiki Practitioners hold a space for clients to make whatever shifts or changes toward balance they deem necessary. Unconscious attitudes, emotions, images, memories or thoughts may be brought to consciousness during the session where they can be examined, understood, and changed. Many have reported miraculous results. For best results, regular treatments are suggested.

How a Reiki Healing is conducted - Distance

  • Reiki is a safe, natural method of healing. During a distance healing you can go about your day as you wish or you can relax on a massage table fully clothed for approximately one hour.

  • The practitioner channels Reiki with the intent that the energy is directed on energy centres throughout your body as required.

  • The practitioner holds a space for clients to make the necessary shifts or changes for self healing.

  • After the hour you can move about as you wish if you were laying on a massage table, alternatively if you were going about your day after the hour your session will be complete.

After a Reiki Healing

We recommend

  • Drinking a lot of water after the Reiki healing to assist with the changes going on within your body.

Contact us for more information or to book.



  • Michelle knew what questions I had and was able to answer all of them so well. She provided great insight and guidance. The way she conveys the message is so positive and genuine. My meeting with her filled my heart with so much love, peace, relief and lots of hope. Her gift and kind words are so appreciated. She is an angel.

    Jagruti - New Jersey

  • I had a reading with Michelle. She was able to see what was happening in my life and what was coming up for me. I am able to confirm various situations have occurred and I did receive a job offer.

    AP - USA

  • I have received Pellowah Healing from Michelle on a number of occasions and always feel relaxed and mentally clearer after each time. I definitely recommend Michelle and Pellowah Healing.

    Lionel S - Qld

  • My life has been full of surprises since I had a Pellowah Healing with Michelle. Where I would have experienced obstacles in the past things have just fallen into place and I thank Pellowah for that. My business has expanded beyond my expectations and my outlook has become more optimistic. Definitely recommend a Pellowah Healing if you are seeking clarity and want to move forward on the right path.

    Jo - Sydney

“You are the one creating your future

How do you want your life to be?

It’s your choice to choose your path choose wisely”

Michelle x