privacy & ethics

Age Restriction:

Readings are not permissible for anyone under 18years of age.


All information shared within the client-practitioner/reader/healer relationship is strictly confidential.

Respect for Rights:

Respect the rights and preference of all clients and colleagues. Recognize and honor a person’s right to refuse or accept help on their own terms.

Do No Harm:

Abilities gifted by Spirit are meant to serve the highest good of all involved. Understand that these gifts are solely intended for healing, helping and supporting others.

Without Judgment:

Spiritual services will only be provided when they can be delivered as an unbiased and clear vessel.


Respecting the importance of energetic boundaries and recognize that not everyone is ready to receive the information offered. Request/permission must be given to impart information.

Colleague Relations:

Colleagues will be treated with respect.

Volunteer Hours:

Give back to the community by providing free education and spiritual support as guided.

Providing Services:

I will only provide services that I am qualified to provide that will genuinely help the client for their highest good. Clients will be referred on to trusted professionals when required.

Readings for Guidance:

Readings should never be regarded as legal, medical or business fact. Readings are for guidance only. Appropriate professionals need to be engaged if required.


I operate with integrity and will not reveal any information regarding readings and/or healings unless necessary due to the law.